Bootstrap practice

Practicing messing around with Bootstrap. This is a jumbotron.

A short demo of commonly used elements.

This is a title C'est un titre

This text is inside a p tag, which is inside a container, which is fixed-width depending on the screen size. It also contains some highlighted text.

The alternate class to the container is container-fluid, which is a fluid-container. The fluid-container expands to fill the width of the entire viewport. Highlighted text is made with the mark tag. These code looking things are made with the code tag.

Big block of code Grand bloc de code

The pre tag for multi-line code is great for code snippets, because it preserves line breaks that you write in the HTML file.

/* this is a block comment */
console.log("hello world");

Colours! Couleurs!

This is muted text. Its class is text-muted. It's a light grey.

This is important text. Its class is text-primary. It's light blue.

This is success text. Its class is text-success. It's green.

This is information text. Its class is text-info. It's blue.

This is warning text. Its class is text-warning. It's yellow.

This is danger text. Its class is text-danger. It's red.

There are also similar colours for background colours instead of text. The names are the same too, except the prefix bg-, instead of text-, and bg-muted does not exist.

For reference it is:

Tables Tables

The table below has a more modern look than the default HTML style.

ID School Name Number of undergraduate students (2017)
1 UofT Scarborough 12,693
2 UofT St. George 43,375
3 UofT Mississauga 14,073
4 University of Waterloo 30,600
5 Ryerson University 37,000

Tables with pictures Tables avec les photos

A computer

A drawing of a desktop computer.

A computer

A drawing of a desktop computer.

A computer

A drawing of a desktop computer.

There are many ways to style tables. The one used above has class table table-striped. Available options are:

Responsive images Images adaptatifs

Responsive images are images that will fill out a small screen, but will not go off screen.

Wells Puits

The well class puts contents in a grey sunken-in looking box.

Alerts Alertes

Success! You've made it this far into the page. This div has class alert alert-success. More on this page. That link also has class alert-link to match the colour of the alert div its in.

Buttons Boutons

Class is used on the button tag, with the class btn. There is also btn btn-primary with the same colours like the text colours. More info here. Link for button-groups

Inline Styling

The next few examples look at inline styling.


Glyphicons are commonly used in UIs. These classes are usually applied to <span> elements

Example of Film:

Class used: glyphicon glyphicon-film

Badges Badges 1

Badges are small numbers that are often used to show notifications. They are inline elements. Hint: a useful place to put it is inside a button.

span class: badge

Block quotes Citations de blocs

Some inspirational quote, by some inspirational person.
Inspirational Person

Hey you made it to the end! Press ALT + F4 to close.