Jason Fong

Third year Computer Science Specialist Co-op Student, University of Toronto Scarborough

Team Projects

Angry Sloth

A homework system written in Java. Developed as a proof of concept of an appealing computer-based homework system.
Created as a team project in the Intro to Software Engineering (CSCC01) course at the University of Toronto Scarborough. (Java, JavaFX)


A mock unix shell written in Java. Created as a team project in the Software Design (CSCB07) course at the University of Toronto Scarborough. (Java, JUnit Test framework)

Personal Projects

iframe browser Try it out!

A web page that allows you to browse (some of) the web within an iframe. (HTML, CSS, JS)


A (very small) chrome extension that bypasses a faulty @media style rule on the UTSC timetable site. (JS)

New Home Page Try it out!

A simple home page that loads quickly. (HTML, CSS)

Bootstrap Practice Try it out!

A page using Bootstrap that lists some common Bootstrap classes. (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap)


Site to practice web skills. Also describes projects in Github repos. (HTML, CSS)

Other Projects

Shopify Front End Developer Challenge Try it out!

Created a web page based on challenge requirements. (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap)