GitHub profile picture

Jason Fong

Computer Science (Software Engineering Stream) Co-op Graduate · University of Toronto Scarborough · June 2020

Contact Me

To send a message, see my email on my GitHub profile (visible to signed in users). Or send me a message on LinkedIn.

Team Projects

Screenshot of Study Room Finder
Study Room Finder
JavaScript Node MongoDB WebSockets Heroku Express Leaflet

A Node.js web app to find study space at UTSC

Created as a team project in the Programming on the Web (CSCC09) course at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Screenshot of Angry Sloth
Angry Sloth

A homework system written in Java.

Developed as a proof of concept of an appealing computer-based homework system.

Created as a team project in the Intro to Software Engineering (CSCC01) course at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Picture of a sea turtle
JavaJUnit Test framework

A mock unix shell written in Java.

Created as a team project in the Software Design (CSCB07) course at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Personal Projects

Screenshot of iframe browser
iframe browser
HTML CSS JavaScript

A web page that allows you to browse (some of) the web within an iframe.

Picture of CSS code
timetable resize

A (very small) chrome extension that bypasses a wrong @media query rule on the UTSC timetable site.

Update: As of May 2020, UTSC has fixed its site, so this extension is no longer needed.

Screenshot of New Home Page
New Home Page

A simple home page that loads quickly.

Screenshot of Bootstrap Practice
Bootstrap Practice
HTML CSS Bootstrap

A page using Bootstrap that lists some common Bootstrap classes.

Picture of wireframes

Site to practice with CSS. Also describes projects in Github repos.

 Repo  You're trying it!